CUPE 3060 Off to National Convention

Hello everyone,

Our Local was privileged to receive funding to assist us in sending both a delegate and an alternate delegate to the CUPE National Convention. After an e-mail was circulated to the membership in regards to interest in attending the CUPE National Convention in Quebec City, Quebec – there was very small response received. The two members attending this event are Delegate: Brittany Aube (President) and Alternate-Delegate: Kim Melnyk (Vice-President). CUPE 3060 has submitted 13 resolutions to CUPE National in regards to a variety of topics and sectors – including Childcare and issues that can be directly in relation to Childcare Workers in our Local.

We look forward to sharing some media via our Facebook Page as well as on our Website. Keep in the loop by visiting both!

CUPE National Convention is from October 23/2023 until October 27/2023 ! Click on the Link below to have a chance to review any resolutions, constitutional amendments as well as the information regarding Convention. If you would like CUPE 3060 Representatives attending convention to speak to a specific resolution – please submit via e-mail to as to why this resolution is important to you and why it needs to be voted in favour of or voted opposed of.

CUPE National Convention 

Have a great week folks!


CUPE 3060 and CUPE Manitoba Reflect over $10/day Childcare Announcement to the Brandon Sun

On March 4th, CUPE Manitoba’s Gina McKay spoke on behalf of CUPE 3060 and CUPE Manitoba on the new announcements of $10/day childcare. “We feel the government is neglecting the child-care sector, especially by making the announcement when it’s so close to an election. We have been lobbying the Government for eight years for better wages and benefits; our members deserve better than increases in nickels and dimes.” said McKay.

“The reduced cost will be great for families”, said Lorraine McConnell, executive director of Children’s Den Daycare, “but what’s missing is in increase in wages for staff”, who she insisted have been underpaid for years.
“Part of the bilateral agreement with the Federal Government was to get early childhood educators to a minimum of $25 an hour, so I was hoping that there would be an announcement of the next steps, or the steps being taken to get there.” said McConnell.


CUPE Manitoba Education Calendar Winter/Spring 2023

Schedule Winter-Spring Education Workshops Manitoba 2023
Attached is the calendar for the CUPE Manitoba Education Calendar. If you are interested in attending any of these, please e-mail Brittany Aube so that we can get you registered and ensure that you have the book off dates secured.

There are no registration fees for in-person or online workshops on the calendar. Locals are responsible for book-off (union leave) and other costs of participation.

Members may register directly for online workshops, provided union leave is not required (local approval is not required). At this time, local approval is required to register for in-person workshops.

Locals seeking educational workshops that do not appear on the calendar are welcome to contact me to discuss options that fill their needs.

Please note that additional sessions are being planned to take place in Brandon this winter/spring. This will come at a lesser cost to the local and I will get in touch with the Education Specialist to see what courses/when these educational sessions may be coming to Brandon.

I will keep you updated as I find out more. Looking forward to sending some members for Union Education!!

Warmest Regards,
Brittany Aube
CUPE Local 3060 President

Meeting with Minister of Education

On January 17th, CUPE Local 3060 President Brittany Aube sat down in a meeting with the Manitoba Minister of Education, Wayne Ewasko, PC MLA for Brandon East, Len Isleifson, as well as employer of Children’s Den and President of the Brandon and District Labour Council. It was nice having a meeting face to face to talk about the issues that the childcare sector is facing as well as share ideas on how we can better the outcome for this sector. Wayne Ewasko shared things that have already been done in the sector as of the last year and also admits that there are some faults that have happened, communications and things that could have been done better. He also recognized that there is a huge shortage of workers in the field and the struggles and long road ahead we have to fix the main issues. He let us know that there are a lot of beneficial announcements to come as well as hopefully some better direction to help with childcare facilities in their future planning. Sitting down and being able to have this conversation is huge for us as a local as well as a sector. We will continue to hold the Government parties accountable in their promises to the Child Care Sector. Brittany also expressed that since the childcare sector has been amalgamated with the education sector, perhaps the need for Unionization for all childcare is necessary to ensure that workers are protected under a Collective Agreement.

We will continue to advocate on behalf of our Local and Sector. The more we can educate our members, get involved with the movement, and start advocating on behalf of ourselves as workers, the better and possibly quicker outcomes we will start to see.

Left to Right: Len Isleifson (MLA for Brandon East PC Party), Brittany Aube (President of CUPE Local 3060), Wayne Ewasko (Minister of Education for Manitoba’s PC Government), Lorraine McConnell (Children’s Den Director)

Childcare Forum 2023 Continued

Brittany Aube (Local 3060 President and Childcare Worker) Lorraine McConnell (Director of Children’s Den Inc.) Wab Kinew (NDP Party of Manitoba Leader) Adrien Sala (NDP MLA for St. James) sit on stage and listen to Kirk Carr (President of the Brandon and District Labour Council) speak about the issues that he faces as a parent around finding childcare.

Childcare Forum January 10 2023

On January 10th 2023, the Manitoba Federation of Labour, the Brandon and District Labour Council and CUPE Local 3060 Collaborated to bring forth issues that the Childcare Sector is Currently Facing. At this forum we heard from multiple perspectives, a parents(Kirk Carr), a childcare worker (Brittany Aube), a childcare facility Director (Lorraine McConnell) as well as some words from the NDP Party of Manitoba Leader Wab Kinew as well as NDP MLA For St. James Adrien Sala.

This forum lead to another article in the Brandon Sun for Local 3060 as well as a meeting to be held on January 17th 2023 with the Minister of Education, Wayne Ewasko, with the current Conservative Government.

Local 3060 Hits The Media




Local 3060 President Brittany Aube speaks to the issues that the Childcare Sector is facing before gearing up to speak at the Childcare Forum that CUPE Local 3060 has organized in collaboration with the Brandon and District Labour Council as well as the Manitoba Federation of Labour.


Former CUPE National and CUPE Manitoba President Paul Moist speaks about the importance of Solidarity in the Union and gives insights on the History of CUPE
CUPE Local 3060 President Brittany Aube gives greetings on behalf of the Brandon and District Labour Council
Matt McLean gives ideas on how we can face inflation at the Barganing table
Former CUPE Manitoba President Paul Moist stands next to Current CUPE Manitoba President Gina McKay as we discuss the importance of member engagement and solidarity
David Jacks introduces the new “We Work For Manitoba” Website that CUPE Manitoba has recently launched
Members from Locals across Manitoba get together to discuss Solidarity in the Union and gather ideas to bring back to our Locals

Stand up to protect Manitoba’s public services

Privatization of public services leads to higher costs, service cuts, and no accountability.

Private agencies in health care. Privatizing of Manitoba Hydro. Privatized long-term care.

The list goes on and on.

But the results stay the same: we pay more and get less.

Now, Heather Stefanson and the PC Party is strategically privatizing our shared public services again – in healthcare, long-term care, utilities, infrastructure, and so much more.

Manitoba has experimented with privatized services in the past and it ended in failure; our community members lose jobs. We lose our high-quality services.

Governments listen to voters. They will listen to you. And more, if we get all of our friends, family, and colleagues involved as well.

Together, we can stop the reckless cuts and privatization of Manitoba’s services.