
JOIN A CUPE MANITOBA COMMITTEE TODAY!CUPE Manitoba committees are a great entry point for union members to explore union activism and learn more. CUPE Manitoba committees bring members from different CUPE locals together to discuss issues and collaborate on projects. No prior union experience is necessary.Meetings are held online, typically in the evening, at least 4 times a year, and there is a CUPE Manitoba Committee for nearly every interest or area.
These include:
Human Rights Committee:
Health and Safety Committee:
Contracting-Out an Political Action Committee:
Indigenous Council:
Women’s and Gender Rights Committee:
Global Justice Committee:
Charitable Works Committee:
Young Members Committee:
Safer Spaces Committee:
Social Services and Child Care Committee:
Person Living with a Disability Committee:Committees are a great way to learn about social issues and work on initiatives that matter to you.To learn about or join a CUPE Manitoba Committee, talk to Local 3060 President Brittany Aube or just email CUPE Manitoba at

CUPE Local 3060 is working on creating some committees within the Local for members to join as well. Keep an eye out for updates to come on this page.