Welcome to CUPE Local 3060!

I wanted to personally introduce myself to you. My name is Brittany Aube, current President of CUPE Local 3060 working out of Fuzzy Bears Inc.. I became an Early Childhood Educator in 2019 and started working directly under the Unionized Centre. In my short time in the childcare sector, as well as throughout my schooling, it was easy for me to recognize some of the many struggles that workers in the childcare sector face daily. The fast burnout rates, the lack of appreciation, recognition and funding from the Government, as well as the lack of ability for attraction and retention of staffing throughout childcare centres.

For these reasons, amongst many others, I have taken it upon myself to find the time to dedicate advocacy and support for our Locals’ members in conjunction with CUPE Manitoba and CUPE National. In October 2021, I became your newly elected President. With this being said, this is a huge learning curve for me that I honestly never imagined myself so intrigued with. There is so much to learn about the World of Workers and the many struggles that each working sector equally faces.

I am striving daily to indulge myself into more Labour Supporting Organizations, that I would be absolutely thrilled to speak with you about if you ever wanted to know more about your community’s involvement, so that I can better my knowledge and be able to support you with all that I can! I am dedicated to learning as much as I can learn about the struggles throughout Manitoba/Canada/Internationally in order to find my voice and confidently speak up against Government and Employers to ensure that each member of my local is equally and fully supported and so that our sector doesn’t just keep falling through the cracks.

If you would like to learn more on what CUPE (Nationally, Manitoba as well as Local 3060) is doing to support its members, or you are personally in any need of support whatsoever, please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally.

My goal for CUPE Local 3060 is to bring us all together to create solidarity within our Union’s Local. From planning for more involvement and member engagement to building every member up so that they can also advocate and speak up for themselves and other members.

Remember, that building solidarity, bonds and connections are what is KEY to a functional Union. With that being said, there are over 715,000 members of CUPE that will be here to support us in any way they can with solidarity! Building our local to have a stronger connection and voice is my ultimate goal for our sector and local.

I have gained so many resources throughout my short time on the CUPE Local 3060 Executive that I am so incredibly grateful for, for that I want to thank all of you for electing me as your President.

I look forward to working with each and every one of you in the future. Don’t hesitate to reach out via e-mail, text or phone call and I will make myself available to you as soon as I possibly can! My contact information is:

Reach out as often as you would like! Member engagement and building connections is what I look forward to the most in this role!

Don’t forget to look us up on Social Media as well, we currently have a facebook group that can be joined by local members. We are posting on there about what CUPE is doing nationally, provincially and locally! It’s really amazing and inspirational to see all the incredible work the Union does!

CUPE Local 3060 is the group name for our Facebook Group!

Now that I haven’t left much room for keeping it short and sweet, I thank you for taking the time to read my Welcome Letter and would like to personally invite you to meet up for a coffee/tea in the near future to discuss any questions, concerns or even just to get to know you better! Contact me to meet up!

In Solidarity,
Brittany Aube
President of Union Executive, CUPE Local 3060